Wayfarers Wiki

A mimetic AI housing or body kit is an illegal housing for an AI that mimics the body of Human, Aandrisk, or other Sapient. Though banned in all GC territories, with a penalty of up to 20 standards for simply owning the tools used to manufacture one, it is possible to get one through illegal means. Sidra uses a Human-style body kit built by Mr Crisp in A Closed and Common Orbit.

Appearance and Hardware[]

Body kits are superficially similar to organic bodies. They have realistic skin, hair, feathers, or whatever is appropriate for the species they are imitating, which will hold up to a high level of scrutiny. Kits also have fake blood, are waterproof, and do not need to breathe or eat. They can survive unassisted in the vacuum of space for some time. The kit runs on kinetic energy that is harvested through its own movement. Kits are designed to begin to fail around the same time that the species on which the kit's design is based would reach the end of its average lifespan.

Even though kits do not need to eat, drink, sleep, or have sex, they do receive stimuli from participating in these activities. While kits do not have taste or smell receptors, Mr Crisp's kits have a hidden feature that will send the AI images based on what they are consuming. For example, if an AI takes a sip of warm mek, they will be supplied with the image of a cute cat. Although they can eat food, kits cannot digest it, so they must be emptied before the food begin to rot inside them.


Kits are highly convincing, but the AI that use them must keep up a certain level of deception to keep themselves from being suspected. An AI must mimic pain if necessary, as they cannot feel it themselves, and make sure not to let on they do not have to breath to people they do not trust. Aandrisk models are advised to take a few days off every standard and stay at home to mimic moulting. Certain things can interfere with kits functions, including nanobots and strong magnets.
